Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Validating the constant name (Recurcivly)

It will recursively check that given text is valid constant name or not.

Pattern Rules:
1. Only A to Z , underscore (_) are allowed.

2. Repeating underscores (_) at once are now allowed.

3. Up to 45 chars allowed.


    Validating the constant name (Recurcivly)
    (Logic/Pattern) Written by Junaid Atari

    + Examples:
      - HOLDER
      - N_A_M_E_I_S_N_O_N_E

//# Constant name to validate.


preg_match ('/^([A-Z]{1}([_]?)){2,43}[A-Z]$/'$name)
'Constant name is Valid'
Constant name is not valid';

Validating the name (Recurcivly)

It will recursively check that given text is valid name or not.

Pattern Rules:
1. Only A to Z, a to z , space and - (dash) are allowed.

2. Repeated spaces, dashes (-) at once are now allowed.

    Validating the name (Recurcivly)
    (Logic/Pattern) Written by Junaid Atari
    + Examples:
      - Muhammad
      - Junaid Atari
      - Sag-e-Attar       

//# Name to validate.

$name 'Ali Attar';

preg_match ('/^([a-zA-Z]+)(?:[a-zA-Z]+[\s-]?)*$/'$name)
'Name is Valid'
'Name is not valid';

Validating the URL

Here I have wrote the recursive PCRE pattern for URL, hope you like it.

Recursive URL pattern features:
1. Protocols https|http|ftp|ftps
2. WWW optional or only one.
3. Subdomain (unlimited) (Recursively match the subdomains) & (repeatedly - . at
    same time are not allowed).
4. domain only one (repeatedly - . at same time are not allowed).
5. extention only one mimimum 2, max five (repeatedly . at same time are not allowed).
6. End forward slash (/) is Optional.


 * is_valid_url ()
 * Validate that given text is valid URL or not.
 * @author   Junaid Atari <mj.atari@gmail.com>
 * @version  1.0
 * @param    string  $str    Text to validate.
 * @return   bool    TRUE on valid | FALSE on invalid.

function is_valid_url ($str)
//** Return if string not given or empty.
if (!is_string ($str)
trim ($str) == '')
//** Recursive url pattern written by Junaid Atari.
return preg_match '/^((http|ftp)(s?):\/\/)(www\.)?'.
'(\.[a-z]{2,4})\/?$/i'$str ) == 0
 | Example
$urls = array (

foreach (
$urls as $url)
$url ." (" . (is_valid_url ($url)
'Not valid') . ")<br />";
 | Output

 http://www.yahoo.com/ (Valid)
 http://code.google.com (Valid)
 https://login.live.com/ (Valid)
 http://my.name.is.domain.com.pk/ (Valid)
 https://www.name.is.2k-pcre.co.uk/ (Valid)

Recursively remove the empty html tags

Hello Guys,

Here i have wrote the new function and REGEX pattern to remove the nested empty tags (nested) from string. Watch yourself below.


 * remove_empty_tags_recursive ()
 * Remove the nested HTML empty tags from the string.
 * @author    Junaid Atari <mj.atari@gmail.com>
 * @version    1.0
 * @param    string    $str    String to remove tags.
 * @param    string    $repto    Replace empty string with.
 * @return    string    Cleaned string.

remove_empty_tags_recursive ($str$repto NULL)
//** Return if string not given or empty.
if (!is_string ($str)
trim ($str) == '')

//** Recursive empty HTML tags.
return preg_replace (

//** Pattern written by Junaid Atari.

//** Replace with nothing if string empty.
!is_string ($repto) ? '' $repto,

//** Source string

<div id="paralax">
    <div><p></p>Hello User,<strong></strong></div>
    <div id="contents">Welcome to our domain.</div><p><p><p></p></p></p>


remove_empty_tags_recursive ($str);

/*<div id="paralax">
    <div>Hello User,</div>
    <div id="contents">Welcome to our domain.</div>

Hope you like it.