Split SQL text into multiple queries and return array.
* Split the SQL dump code and return the queries array.
* @version 1.0
* @access public
* @param string $sql SQL code to parse.
* @return array List of queries in array.
function splitSQL ( $query )
// the regex needs a trailing semicolon
$query = trim ( (string) $query );
if ( substr ( $query, -1 ) != ";")
$query .= ";";
// i spent 3 days figuring out this line
preg_match_all( "/(?>[^;']|(''|(?>'([^']|\\')*[^\\\]')".
"))+;/ixU", $query, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER );
$querySplit = "";
foreach ( $matches as $match )
// get rid of the trailing semicolon
$querySplit[] = substr( $match[0], 0, -1 );
return $querySplit;
* Split the SQL dump code and return the queries array.
* @version 1.0
* @access public
* @param string $sql SQL code to parse.
* @return array List of queries in array.
function splitSQL ( $query )
// the regex needs a trailing semicolon
$query = trim ( (string) $query );
if ( substr ( $query, -1 ) != ";")
$query .= ";";
// i spent 3 days figuring out this line
preg_match_all( "/(?>[^;']|(''|(?>'([^']|\\')*[^\\\]')".
"))+;/ixU", $query, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER );
$querySplit = "";
foreach ( $matches as $match )
// get rid of the trailing semicolon
$querySplit[] = substr( $match[0], 0, -1 );
return $querySplit;
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