Here I have wrote the recursive PCRE pattern for URL, hope you like it.
Recursive URL pattern features:
1. Protocols https|http|ftp|ftps
2. WWW optional or only one.
3. Subdomain (unlimited) (Recursively match the subdomains) & (repeatedly - . at
same time are not allowed).
4. domain only one (repeatedly - . at same time are not allowed).
5. extention only one mimimum 2, max five (repeatedly . at same time are not allowed).
6. End forward slash (/) is Optional.
* is_valid_url ()
* Validate that given text is valid URL or not.
* @author Junaid Atari <>
* @version 1.0
* @param string $str Text to validate.
* @return bool TRUE on valid | FALSE on invalid.
function is_valid_url ($str)
//** Return if string not given or empty.
if (!is_string ($str)
|| trim ($str) == '')
return false;
//** Recursive url pattern written by Junaid Atari.
return preg_match ( '/^((http|ftp)(s?):\/\/)(www\.)?'.
'(\.[a-z]{2,4})\/?$/i', $str ) == 0
? false
: true;
| Example
$urls = array (
foreach ($urls as $url)
echo $url ." (" . (is_valid_url ($url)
? 'Valid'
: 'Not valid') . ")<br />";
| Output
/* (Valid) (Valid) (Valid) (Valid) (Valid)
Recursive URL pattern features:
1. Protocols https|http|ftp|ftps
2. WWW optional or only one.
3. Subdomain (unlimited) (Recursively match the subdomains) & (repeatedly - . at
same time are not allowed).
4. domain only one (repeatedly - . at same time are not allowed).
5. extention only one mimimum 2, max five (repeatedly . at same time are not allowed).
6. End forward slash (/) is Optional.
* is_valid_url ()
* Validate that given text is valid URL or not.
* @author Junaid Atari <>
* @version 1.0
* @param string $str Text to validate.
* @return bool TRUE on valid | FALSE on invalid.
function is_valid_url ($str)
//** Return if string not given or empty.
if (!is_string ($str)
|| trim ($str) == '')
return false;
//** Recursive url pattern written by Junaid Atari.
return preg_match ( '/^((http|ftp)(s?):\/\/)(www\.)?'.
'(\.[a-z]{2,4})\/?$/i', $str ) == 0
? false
: true;
| Example
$urls = array (
foreach ($urls as $url)
echo $url ." (" . (is_valid_url ($url)
? 'Valid'
: 'Not valid') . ")<br />";
| Output
/* (Valid) (Valid) (Valid) (Valid) (Valid)
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